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Why Concrete?

Everyone in Saskatchewan is looking to maximize the dollars that they spend. This is especially critical with spending on Infrastructure. The things we all use every day, it is how we drive our economy, live, and how we take care of our friends and family. Now more than ever we need to make sure that we make good decisions that will increase the quality of life in Saskatchewan, will affect the environment in a positive way and fit within the confines of restrained budgets. With concrete you can build it once, build it right and build it to last.

“They don’t build things like they used to”, I think this rungs true today more than ever. We all remember things lasting longer and our dollar going further. We should ask “Why aren’t we getting quality for our dollar?”

By choosing a strong material like concrete you can get more space by using less of it, which will help you save on upfront costs. Many projects are done on a design build basis, and how many of those are taking into account what the project is going to cost 10 years from now, 20 years or even 50 years. We should understand what it’s going to costs to maintain and upkeep what our investment dollars paying for. Responsibility today and tomorrow on spending decisions.

Greenhouse emissions and climate change is a topic that affects everyone in the world. Our building materials need to be energy efficient and lower greenhouse gases. Concrete reduces a building emissions by 5% of the lifetime of the structure, with an over 100 year expectancy on an average office tower, the savings can be massive. Concrete is also an energy efficient material. The thermal mass properties can save 5-8% in annual energy costs compared to other building products.

The new stadium in Regina is going to be an amazing place to watch the roughriders play football. The base material for the project is concrete. The design of the stadium is maintenance free as possible, which is why concrete was chosen as the material of choice. Concrete is a long lasting durable material that doesn’t require a lot of maintenance which makes it the ideal choice for buildings, roads, houses and infrastructure.

If you could spend money on a product that you may need less off, is energy efficient , lowers greenhouse gases, needs less maintenance, and costs you less in the long run, shouldn’t you consider concrete to make your dollar go further?

Concrete is also an energy efficient material

Lowers greenhouse gases, needs less maintenance

Concrete is also an energy efficient material